In many cases, septic systems get a bit of a bad reputation as finicky, disgusting, and confusing systems that are best left to professionals to handle. In some ways, this reputation is true, but as a homeowner here are a few basic tips that you should know about your septic system.
Location, location, location
This may seem obvious, but the most important piece of your septic system puzzle is knowing its location. This bit of information becomes especially crucial if your system encounters problems and backs up into your home! Knowing the location of your system can also prevent accidental damage, as well as help you to spot problems as soon as possible.
Maintenance is key!
A septic system requires regular maintenance just like anything else. Would you drive your car 20,000 miles before changing the oil? Of course not! Septic system maintenance is just as important, and it is crucial if you want your system to continue to operate properly. As a guide, how often you have your septic tank pumped depends on the size of the tank, the number of people in the household, and the amount of water usage. In most cases, a septic tank should be pumped every 3 to 5 years. Some alternative systems that are more complex may need pumping more frequently. Every system is different. What is right for your system may not be right for your neighbor’s. Feel free to call our office and discuss your specific needs!
Keep off!
Building structures or roads over your septic system is a recipe for disaster. Avoid building decks, sheds or driveways over your system at all costs. Even though the system is underground, movement and activity on the surface can still have an impact and cause major damage.
In addition to structures, avoid planting trees or plants that have deep rooting systems! Roots are a septic system’s worst nightmare, as the roots will gravitate to the water in the system and cause blockages or worse!
The best advice is to leave your system alone. Consider it as a portion of the yard that is ‘off limits’ to any construction.
Knowing the basics of your septic system can give you a greater peace of mind and comfort, especially if problems arise. Always feel free to contact our team at Advanced Septic with any questions or concerns you may have at (717) 789 – 4548 or